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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Megan Meier Case: Question Two

Realize that at the time Megan Meier set up her MySpace account she was under the minimum age that the MySpace required to participate in the website. Should there be some way to required age authentication? Would this violate any laws, amendment rights, personal privacy issues?

I kind of answered this in the last question, but I will go further into detail.
All the ways I can think of using to verify someone's age, such as entering in a SSN, an driver's license number, passport number etc., are things that I believe would turn people away from such social networking sites. I know that I wouldn't be willing to enter such personal information on the web. I honestly think that the responsibility should lie on parents and guardians. I don't believe that if the SSN (for example) was required, it wouldn't brake any sort of law or amendment rights especially because you would be giving it up willingly in order to participate in the site.

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